The actual book is FINALLY here! Check out my complete fangirl moment below.

“Well, That Escalated Quickly” will be available in hardcover, digital and audiobook on 5/22!! Pre-order your copy, get tour info and more at

GAAAAAAAAAH MY BABY IS HERE! I WROTE A WHOLE ASS BOOK AND NOW IT’S A REAL THING I CAN HOLD IN MY HANDS!?!?? 😳😭 CAN YOU PLEASE GET INTO THIS SUPERIOR πŸ‘πŸΎ GRAPHIC πŸ‘πŸΎDESIGN πŸ‘πŸΎ?! YES *EYE* AM YELLING! *swipe for my faaaave design detail* – – Ok. lemme calm down. Wow. Holy. This is surreal! You only get to publish your first book once and damnit I could not be more proud of this baby. I really dunno how I’m not crying but you best believe Imma be a puddle of tears when I see #WTEQ in stores! We’re less than a month away and i CANNOT FREAKING WAIT!!! Have you pre-ordered yet???? Will I see you on my tour??? – – “Well, That Escalated Quickly” will be available in hardcover, digital and audiobook on 5/22!! Pre-order your copy, get tour info and more at (link in my bio!) – – πŸ“Έ: @erinpatriceobrien hair: @xoannette_ @nappstar_nyc makeup: @delinamedhin stylist: @hashtagjocelyn

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